Post-Mortem Unveils Startling Details in Bengaluru AI CEO’s Child’s Death

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In a shocking turn of events, Suchana Seth, the CEO of an artificial intelligence start-up, has been implicated in the tragic death of her four-year-old son. The disturbing details emerged from the post-mortem report conducted by Dr. Kumar Naik, a government doctor in Karnataka.

According to Dr. Naik, the young boy met his untimely demise over 36 hours prior to the post-mortem examination. The cause of death was determined to be strangulation, characterized as a form of “smothering.” Notably, there were no visible wounds or signs of struggle on the child’s body.

In a chilling revelation, Dr. Naik suggested that the method of strangulation did not appear to involve the use of hands. Instead, it is suspected that an external object such as a pillow, wire, or another material may have been employed in this tragic incident.

Remarkably, the post-mortem findings indicated an absence of rigor mortis, the natural stiffening of limbs caused by chemical changes in the muscles after death. This absence raises perplexing questions about the circumstances surrounding the incident, adding an eerie layer to the already distressing situation.


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