Watch: Fistfight Breaks Out in Turkey’s Parliament Amid Heated Debate on Jailed MP

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Ankara: A fistfight erupted in Turkey’s parliament on Friday after opposition deputy Ahmet Sik called for the admission of his imprisoned colleague, Can Atalay, who was elected as an MP despite being jailed on charges related to organizing the 2013 Gezi Park protests. Video footage captured ruling AKP party MPs rushing to the lectern to attack Sik, leading to a chaotic brawl involving dozens of lawmakers. Blood was visible on the white steps of the speaker’s podium.

Atalay, sentenced to 18 years in 2022 for allegedly attempting to overthrow the government alongside philanthropist Osman Kavala, was elected to parliament last year but was stripped of his seat. The Constitutional Court recently nullified his exclusion. In his speech, Sik accused AKP lawmakers of labeling dissenters as terrorists and called those in power the “biggest terrorists.”

The session was recessed for over three hours following the brawl. Both Sik and AKP’s Alpay Ozalan were reprimanded for their roles in the altercation. The main opposition CHP and pro-Kurdish DEM Party condemned the violence, accusing the ruling party of trying to silence dissent through force.

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