Severe Flooding in Myanmar Displaces Over 230,000 as Typhoon Yagi Wreaks Havoc

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Myanmar is grappling with severe flooding triggered by Typhoon Yagi, which has displaced over 230,000 people, according to government officials. The country’s military-led government has called for international assistance, as reported by state-run media, with the capital Naypyidaw among the hardest-hit areas.

So far, the floods have claimed at least 33 lives, according to Myanmar’s military. Temporary shelters have been set up for those who have lost their homes, according to the state-run *New Light of Myanmar* newspaper. Typhoon Yagi, the most powerful storm to hit Asia this year, previously tore through Vietnam, the Philippines, and the Chinese island of Hainan.

State media reported that Junta leader General Min Aung Hlaing, alongside other government officials, has toured the flood-affected areas to oversee relief efforts. However, *Radio Free Asia* suggests a much higher death toll, claiming that at least 160 people have perished due to the floods and landslides.

In Taungoo, a rescue worker told *BBC Burmese* on Saturday that over 300 people were stranded by the rising waters on the east bank of the Sittaung River. “There aren’t enough boats to carry out rescues,” the worker added, underscoring the challenges faced by emergency responders.

Scientists warn that climate change is making typhoons and hurricanes stronger and more frequent. Warmer ocean temperatures provide storms with more energy, resulting in higher wind speeds and more intense rainfall. Additionally, a warmer atmosphere holds more moisture, further increasing the likelihood of heavy downpours.

Myanmar has already been dealing with widespread displacement due to an ongoing civil war that has dragged on for three years. The conflict has killed thousands and displaced over 2.6 million people, according to the United Nations. The UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) estimates that around 18.6 million people in Myanmar are currently in need of humanitarian aid.

In a recent update, the International Red Cross (ICRC) reported that many families in the country are struggling to access clean water, healthcare, and basic necessities. “People live in constant fear of conflict and violence, and the destruction of livelihoods is leaving many unable to support themselves,” said ICRC President Mirjana Spoljaric earlier this week.

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