Hubballi Horror: Retiree Loses Rs 1 Crore in Online Con! Gokul Road Shaken as Cyber Wolves Feast on Savings 

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Imagine this: you’re retired, living the good life in Hubballi’s Gokul Road, the sun shining, birds chirping, breeze gently whispering through the trees. Then, your phone rings, and suddenly, you’re swept into a whirlwind of online trading promises that vanish quicker than a sugar cube in your morning chai. Aww, not again!

That’s what happened to a kind-hearted 65-year-old retiree who, according to the police, received a friendly WhatsApp call back in October. The caller, pretending to be from a forex broker named “Tradon,” sounded as helpful as a next-door neighbor offering a cup of sugar. They promised easy money, big returns, and withdrawals smoother than a freshly-ironed silk saree.

Lured by the sweet talk and the promise of a financially worry-free future, our retiree opened an online trading account. A “financial advisor” – imagine, someone as trustworthy as your favorite uncle giving investment tips! – then stepped in, guiding the retiree through the process like a patient teacher. Bit by bit, they encouraged him to invest more and more, painting dreams of a future filled with gold coins and overflowing bank accounts.

In phases, the retiree, eager to secure his golden years, poured over Rs 1 crore into the online platform. Things seemed rosy for a while, but soon, the phone calls stopped. The “Tradon” folks had vanished like smoke in the wind. When the retiree tried to withdraw his money, it was like trying to squeeze water from a stone. Nothing. Just an empty echo.

Devastated and confused, our retiree, bless his heart, didn’t give up. He marched straight to the CEN police and filed a complaint. The investigation is now underway, but the sting of this elaborate cybercrime remains.

  • Be wary of unsolicited calls and online investment offers, no matter how tempting they sound.
  • Never invest money based solely on promises or pressure. Do your research and check the platform’s credentials before taking the plunge.
  • Remember, “guaranteed returns” in online trading are often as real as talking parrots. High risk can mean high reward, but it can also mean losing everything.
  • If something feels too good to be true, it probably is. Trust your gut and walk away.
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