Govt Steps in to Ease Choking Air Traffic at Mumbai Airport

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Mumbai Airport, one of India’s busiest aviation hubs, is grappling with rising air traffic and airspace congestion. This leads to frustrating delays for passengers and unnecessary fuel wastage for airlines. To tackle this issue, the Ministry of Civil Aviation has stepped in, imposing restrictions on aircraft movements.

Problem: Too Many Planes, Not Enough Space:

  • Post-pandemic travel surge has overwhelmed Mumbai Airport’s capacity.
  • Flights hover over the city for 40-60 minutes due to congestion, burning excessive fuel (Rs 1.8-2.6 lakh per circling!).
  • This inefficiency impacts both passengers and airlines, leading to longer wait times and higher costs.

The Culprits:

  • Airport operators granted excessive landing slots with tight turnaround times.
  • Airlines ignored allotted slots, further disrupting traffic flow.
  • Unscheduled flights added to the congestion during peak hours.

Taking Action:

  • Airport Authority of India, the air navigation service provider, issued directives to limit air traffic movements during peak periods.
  • Number of landings per hour reduced from 46 to 44 (peak) and 44 to 42 (non-peak).
  • Restrictions placed on general aviation aircraft operations during peak hours.


  • Improved airspace safety and overall operational efficiency.
  • Reduced delays and smoother travel experience for passengers.
  • Mitigated fuel wastage and financial burden on airlines.

The Message:

The government acknowledges the need to balance the interests of airport operators, airlines, and most importantly, the passengers. These measures aim to ensure a safe, efficient, and enjoyable flying experience for all at Mumbai Airport.

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