The Serum Creatinine Test: A Glimpse into Your Kidney Health Understand what this test reveals and why it matters

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What is Creatinine?

Creatinine is a waste product produced by your muscles during normal metabolism

Why Do We Need a Creatinine Test?

This test measures the level of creatinine in your blood, reflecting how well your kidneys are filtering it out

When is a Creatinine Test Ordered?

It's often part of routine checkups, monitoring chronic kidney disease, or investigating symptoms like fatigue or swelling.

How is the Test Done?

A simple blood draw from your arm is all it takes. No fasting or special preparation is usually needed

Understanding Your Results

Normal creatinine levels vary by age and sex. Higher levels may indicate reduced kidney function

What if My Creatinine is High?

Don't panic! Your doctor will likely evaluate other factors and may order further tests to determine the cause.

Potential Causes of Elevated Creatinine

Conditions like dehydration, high-protein diet, muscle breakdown, or actual kidney disease can contribute

Treatment depends on the underlying cause. It may involve dietary changes, medication, or addressing the specific kidney condition.

The serum creatinine test is a valuable tool for monitoring your kidney health. Early detection and intervention can help manage kidney disease.